Become a part of our ecosystem of responsible fisheries

At Smokey Bay Seafood Group we work to bring small, family, and artisanal fisheries closer to major urban centres around the world. We are located in Vancouver, BC and Seattle, WA.

Smokey Bay is committed to being a sustainable trading company by purchasing on demand and not holding wasted inventory. We only take what we need from the ocean. Therefore, we work closely with you to ensure just-in-time logistics for the benefit of all.

California Market Squid

Reasons to become a supplier to Smokey Bay

  • Over 25 years of experience in the international seafood industry
  • Our buyers are from across the globe, with JIT delivery to 13 markets internationally
  • We pride ourselves on honesty and accountability
  • We responsibly ensure that sustainability and the protection of our oceans are a top priority

To become a supplier please contact us at [email protected].